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How much is the magnetic loss of permanent magnet in a year?


On the Internet, people often ask, will the magnetic force of permanent magnet disappear? How many years can magnetism last? How much magnetism will be lost if it is used for one year? And so on. Today, the magnet manufacturer Zhaobao Magnet will introduce it to you.

There are two main types of magnets: electromagnets and permanent magnets. Electromagnets are essentially magnets with switches. In the presence of current, they have magnetic force. When the current stops, they will lose magnetic force.

Permanent magnets, as you might infer from their names, can produce and permanently maintain their own magnetic field, but there are some factors that affect the strength of the magnet.

So how persistent is their magnetism?

Generally speaking, under ideal conditions, permanent magnets will lose only a small part of their strength in a few years (i.e. about 1% in 10 years). This percentage is so small that it does not significantly change its power. However, there are some conditions that will cause the permanent magnet to lose magnetism, such as temperature, environment and so on.